Larimer VFD
April 13, 2002

North Huntingdon, PA--

The Phisbins had the pleasure of helping Nancy (blowing the whistle in the right-center picture of the ensemble of Tim, Bob on the Tub, and Slapnuts on the harmonica) celebrate her 40th birthday.
     The Larimer VFD has been a great gig for the Phisbins.  Bob and Patti  go out of their way to make sure folks in the bar are having a good time, despite the lousy music they're forced to listen to.
     Bob also goes out of his way to keep the band well-watered.
     In the bottom-right picture is Tim's friend Carl, a guy who he settled a claim for.  Carl is the guy who brought Tim all the espresso accessories that you may have heard him brag about.

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