The Black Bear Tavern
February 14, 2009

Deep Creek, MD-
Two out of two Phisbins agree that the best place on the lake is The Black Bear Tavern.  Our hopes are to play there monthly as long as the wind blows, the grass grows, and the sky is blue (did you catch the reference to Little Big Man?).  On the way to the gig, we stopped in to see  Jerry McGinnis at the Honi Honi.  Fortunately, Jerry had his iPhone and took a picture of us right before we departed.  The rest of the evening was business as usual.  The Black Bear had a great crowd, we met some new friends (Amy and Lisa from Baltimore, et al) and caught up with old friends (Katie, Lisa, Laura, Darwin, et al).  We also got to hear Tracy's rendition of The Gambler.  Oh, and I dropped my guitar off at Jim's Guitar Works to get my string-breaking issues fixed.

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