The Black Bear Tavern
May 3, 2008

Deep Creek, MD--
Janis (our Yvonne Elliman) showed up, which is always a good thing.  At least for a few songs, we were able to provide real talent.  Chris and Derek also dropped the kids off at Grandma's house and made it, as well as some of Twig's posse from Cumberland, MD (Ed, top right, and JD, middle right).  Four hot mamas from D.C. also hung out for a few songs, and took a special shine to one of our favorite television theme songs.  As we were packing up our stuff, a stranger rolled in looking as if she had just fallen off of a Mardi Gras float (bottom right.  I only took her picture because I like to include three pictures with each write-up.  The crowd was enthusiastic (much better than last month) and the gig flew by like a broken down damn.  Happy Birthday wishes to Kristen, Heather, and Lori Lora Lori Lora.

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