Middlebourne, WV--
Alumni Weekend in Middlebourne, as it turns out, significantly diminishes the
turn-out for FriendsFest. Perhaps that, coupled with WVU's loss the
Southern Florida on Friday night dampened the otherwise festive spirits of
typical FriendsFest attendees. Either way, not a soul who was present
could have voiced even the shadow of a complaint. The weather was perfect,
the food divine (especially what BOFA grilled up on the former conveyor belt
turned hibachi), and The Phisbins were, well, The Phisbins. Aside from the
music, they provided a big jar of grape bounce and a sack of considerably
optimistic fortune cookies. These were not purchased at
The Jug (top
right), but at the Exxon in Powhatan Point. Igor's (below) tent (middle
right) proved to be, once again, an outstanding stage. In the picture
below Igor's tent, Billy is plucking a tune on Big Red who in her time served
The Phisbins well. Beneath Billy, a small gathering in Lou and Cindy's
back yard was a nice way for Arch and Tammy to catch their breath and take a
break from all the work they put into making FFV the success that it was.
FFVI ought to be a hoot, and it's only 361 days away.