Mountain View Inn
March 8, 2007

Greensburg, PA--
So I get a new mandolin on eBay, right?  I'm messin' around with it all week in my living room and I can't wait for it to make its debut.  We get set up in the 33rd Street Lounge at Mt. View Inn, I plug it in, and discover that the onboard electronics have a short and the thing won't make a sound.  Not only that, but the battery got so hot so fast that it could have set the mandolin ablaze.  So we couldn't play a few requests by the gentlemen pictured top right.  Fortunately, our reservoir is deep.  Actually, when I got home and listened to the songs we recorded at the gig, I was pleased to hear some things that we haven't played in quite a while, particularly some CSN and Stephen Stills (click on tunes).  We still played our typical Phisbin staples, including "Folsom Prison Blues," featuring Geneva soccer star Nicole Beadling (middle right) on the whistle.  It's always a good night when you see familiar faces, such as the Tinsleys (bottom right) and their friends, as well as Denny and Chris Doran party of six.

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